For campus partners

While Spectrum Center serves as the hub of LGBTQIA2S+ life at the University of Michigan, our campus partners are critical to the work of LGBTQIA2S+ inclusion, equity, and justice across our university.

If you are a campus partner and you are interested in supporting the work of Spectrum Center, please consider the opportunities to get involved below.


If you are seeking support and consultation on an LGBTQIA2S+ equity initiative for your department, team, or unit, request a consultation with our leadership team. 
If you are in search of online educational resources, visit our resources for faculty and staff.
If you are interested in collaborating on an event or program, please reach out to our staff team.


Trainings and workshops

Spectrum Center offers two workshops and trainings for students, faculty, and staff, focused on best practices, using affirming language, and developing skills to interrupt homophobia and transphobia.


Resources for faculty, staff, and researchers

We offer a curated collection of research resources and recommendations with the purpose of increasing LGBTQIA2S+ inclusion, belonging, and success at the University of Michigan. These suggestions aim to address frequently asked questions we receive about how to best support LGBTQIA2S+ communities. Ultimately, we want to empower our U-M community to expand their knowledge to affect change, engage in inclusive practices, and support the education and wellbeing of LGBTQIA2S+ students.