Resources for faculty, staff, and researchers

We offer these resources and recommendations with the purpose of increasing LGBTQIA2S+ inclusion, belonging, and success at the University of Michigan.

These suggestions aim to address frequently asked questions we receive about how to best support LGBTQIA2S+ communities. Ultimately, we want to empower our U-M community to expand their knowledge to affect change, engage in inclusive practices, and support the education and wellbeing of LGBTQIA2S+ students.

Collecting demographics

The goal of demographic data collection is to gather information that is accurate, complete, inclusive, and usable. Learn more about our recommendations for collecting demographic information inclusive of LGBTQIA2S+ people.

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Creating gender affirming learning spaces

We offer the following recommendations to the campus community—inspired by equity-focused teaching from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at U-M—as better and promising practices in support of affirming learning spaces.

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