Say their names: TDOR gathering recapped by Michigan Daily

Ange Baldado speaks on Trans Day of Remembrance at the Union Monday

November 21, 2023  |  The Michigan Daily

"Sixty-two faces flashed across the screen in the Pendleton Ballroom of the Michigan Union at the annual Trans Day of Remembrance Banquet. Under each picture, there was a name, age, date of death and, for some, a cause of death listed. After every name was read off, a member of the University of Michigan’s Spectrum Center walked up to an altar at the front of the room and placed a red rose in a vase. Sixty-two roses later, the screen faded to black, displaying the following statement: 'Trans lives matter. Say their names.'"

Read the full article by Alyssa Tisch and Emily Sun from The Michigan Daily. Photo by Sam Adler/Daily.