Project grants

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Project grants have been allocated for winter 2025. Fall semester grants will open in September.

Spectrum Center offers enrichment grants of up to $500 to individual students and student organizations at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor campus who are looking to implement projects that seek to improve the experiences of LGBTQ+ communities and campus climate.

The goal of this funding initiative is to create new leadership opportunities for University of Michigan students and to provide funding for the programming that matters to them. The hope for this initiative is that this assistance will enable the students to develop skills and community resources to transform policies and practices on campus, in the community, and on a national scale that positively impact LGBTQ+ communities.


Eligibility criteria includes:

  • Any currently enrolled student at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus.
  • Projects have to meet the standards set by the Spectrum Center which reads as follows - A project is defined as a specific, finite activity that produces an observable, measurable, and tangible result. It usually includes a series of interrelated tasks that are planned for execution over a fixed period of time and within certain requirements and limitations such as cost, quality, performance, others.
  • Project completion has to be executed prior to students’ graduation dates.
  • Funding is only provided during the fall and winter semesters.
  • Any currently active student organization registered and in good standing through the Center for Campus Involvement.
  • Projects have to positively contribute to and/or impact the LGBTQ+ community and climate.
  • Projects may or may not be related to a course and/or academic initiative
  • Interested students or student organizations should complete the application form available below.


Funding will NOT be granted to:

  • Projects that do not comply with the law and/or institutional policies
  • ​Projects submitted solely by student fee-generated groups, such as Central Student Government, Residence Hall Councils, and school/college student governments. Proposals submitted in conjunction with Voluntary Student Organizations will be considered.
  • Initiatives directly benefit charity, fundraising efforts, or profit-making initiatives.
  • Alcoholic beverages and other drugs.
  • Alumni-related activities and initiatives.
  • Personal expenses, including goods, services, and fees, that do not benefit the project.
  • Defense and prosecution of criminal and civil proceedings.


If necessary, priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Are directed by or benefit LGBTQ+ students with multiple marginalized identities
  • Are not associated with a department or organization that can provide direct funds
  • Show commitment to our Principles of Work
  • Show commitment to anti-racist practices in planning and action
Funding recipients are expected to:
  • Submit a detailed expected budget of expenses about the project
  • Meet in person with a Spectrum Center staff after approval of their application.
  • Maintain sustained and consistent communication with the Spectrum Center regarding the status of the project
  • Provide any pertinent updates/changes to the Spectrum Center staff contact about the initiative (i.e. change of event date, time, or location; cancellation of event; etc…)
  • Acknowledge the support of the LGBTQ+ Project Grant offered through Spectrum Center on promotional platforms/materials and initiative products
  • Provide any expense receipts that were used from the Spectrum Center funding
  • Work with Spectrum Center staff to portray the final project outcomes on the Spectrum Center website, as appropriate
Failure to meet these program requirements may result in the termination of the funding agreement.
  • Review eligibility criteria
  • Completing the form and submit your application. Questions within the application process include:
    • Applicant’s contact information
    • Initiative title, purpose, description, and logistics
    • If applying as an organization - org name, shortcode, and project grant (for student organizations)
    • How does your initiative contribute to the experiences, awareness, and improvement of LGBTQ communities on campus?
    • Questions about potential collaborations with campus organizations
    • Logistical details of the initiative (projected # of attendees, target audience, marketing, etc…)
    • How much are you requesting? You will be expected to upload a forecasted budget expense.
    • Adherence to grant expectations
  • Requests must be submitted at least 14 days before the date of the event. The more time in advance, the better. For any questions, please contact [email protected].
  • Spectrum Center staff will schedule a meeting with the applicant(s) via email or phone
  • Funding decision will be communicated via email. 

Apply for funding

Have an idea? We'll review applications and award grants on a rolling basis, while funding lasts.