November 5, 2014 | By Will Sherry
The latest center news, opportunities, and engagement, plus opportunities from beyond Spectrum Center through our Community Posting Board.
Celebrate Bisexuality Awareness Day
September 30, 2014 | By Austin Davis
September 23rd, 2014 marked the 15th annual Celebrate Bisexuality Day (CBD). First observed in 1999 by bisexual rights supporters Wendy Curry, Michael Page, and Gigi Raven Wilber, this national day of visibility for those identifying as bisexual celebrates all facets of their sexuality, such as its history and culture.
Welcome Letter
September 14, 2014 | By Ashley Schwedt, Bystander Intervention Coordinator, the Spectrum Center
The new semester has begun and we have arrived with splashing glitter and soaring rainbows! We enjoyed the gloriously warm weather for a few short weeks and are now preparing our layers as the weather falls in true Michigan fashion. Just like the weather, the Spectrum Center has made many changes over the last few months and we are confident in saying that our most celebrated season is still ahead of us!
Alumni spotlight: Jen Hsu
April 8, 2014
Jen Hsu
- Year of graduation and concentration: 2008, Neuroscience & Sociology
- First job: Executive Director, OutCenter
- Current job: Coordinator of LBGT Student Services, Western Michigan University
Advice to current U-M students
Get involved in what you’re passionate about, even if it’s different than what you’re majoring in. College is one of the great times in life to explore new ideas and opportunities.
Alumni spotlight: Allison Horky
March 11, 2014
The Spectrum Center has a new video series in which alumni answer your questions! Allsion Horky is our latest alum featured. For more videos, follow us on facebook: and on twitter: @UMSpectrumCtr, or find us on our website:
Melissa Harris-Perry Kicks off Black History Month for UM
February 11, 2014
On January 30, 2014, Melissa Harris-Perry, professor at Tulane University and host of the Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, addressed students, staff, faculty, and members of the local community at Rackham Auditorium to kick off Black History Month at the University of Michigan as the keynote speaker. A list of upcoming events for Black History Month can be found here.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Ceremony Speech and Poem
December 3, 2013
Our Transgender Day of Remembrance Ceremony took place on Wednesday, November 20. Transgender Day of Remembrance is set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred, prejudice, and violence. Transgender Day of Remembrance serves to raise public awareness of hate crimes against transgender people, as well as to publicly mourn and honor the lives of our community members who might otherwise be forgotten. Read more to see the thoughtful speech and poem brought forth by university community members Patricia Fly and Ava Dupre.
Alumni spotlight: Colin Roberts
October 22, 2013
The Spectrum Center is launching a new video series in which alumni answer your questions! Colin Roberts is our first feature. For more videos, follow us on facebook: and on twitter: @UMSpectrumCtr.
Ann Arbor AIDS Walk 2013 recap
October 8, 2013 | By Chloe Gurin-Sands, community engagement coordinator
This year, the Spectrum Center brought a team of walkers to the Ann Arbor AIDS Walk. Our team was able to raise just short of $500 to go toward HIV/AIDS research and resources in Ann Arbor!
The AIDS Walk is important to the Spectrum Center because the LGBTQ community in the U.S. is disproportionately affected by HIV. Spectrum Center believes it is important to show our solidarity for those whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS, as many of ours have.
Celebrate Bisexuality Day
October 8, 2013 | By Melissa Manley, Melissa Golden, and Andy Bradley
On September 23rd, members of the bisexual community and their allies observed the annual event Celebrate Bisexuality Day (CBD). Founded in 1999, CBD is dedicated to celebrating and bringing visibility to bisexuality and similar identities as separate from the larger gay/queer community. Although bisexuality often seems just an afterthought in the acronym LGBT, members of the bisexual community face their own unique set of struggles and experiences.